Pleadings (Pro)
The tools for the start of litigation in any state, whether plaintiff or defendant.
$249 per
- ✔ Chat with AI Law
- ✔ Summarize a Document
- ✔ Identify Claims
- ✔ Draft a Complete Lawsuit
- ✔ Analyze a Lawsuit per 12(b)(6)
- ✔ Draft a Complete Answer
- ✔ Draft a Basic Contract
- ✔ Edit Contract with AI
- + 1 to 5 Free Months*
- + Prepayment Incentives
- + Volume-Based Discounts
- + Free Team Training
- + Free Phone Support
Pleadings + Discovery (Premier)
Adds tools to conduct robust discovery and evidence analysis.
$399 per
- Includes Pleadings, plus:
- ✔ Draft Discovery Requests
- ✔ Respond to Discovery Requests
- ✔ Create Medical Timelines
- ✔ Summarize Deposition Transcripts
- ✔ Upload Documents to Chat
- ✔ Edit Discovery Responses with AI
- ✔ eDocument Chat
- + Free Bespoke Templates*
- + Free Paralegal Licenses 1:1
- + Save 30% on Add. Paralegals
- + 1 to 5 Free Months*
- + Prepay Incentives
- + Volume-Based Discounts
- + Free Team Training
- + Free Phone Support
Custom Enterprise
Customized AI solutions for enterprise-level organizations that need robust AI solutions with custom integrations.
- Requires a minimum of 10 licenses.
- ✔ Any or all of our tools
- ✔ Customized reports
- ✔ API access to tools
- ✔ Bespoke AI solutions
- ✔ Advanced security features
- ✔ 24-hour support
- ✔ And more.