
Technology that reduces the cost of litigation

Accurately draft litigation documents in minutes with powerful AI that increases efficiency, shortens case lifecycles, improves staff utilization, and significantly reduces the costs of litigation.

Shorten the lifecycle of every litigated matter with AI.Law.

Save Hours on Every File

AI Law saves time image
The specialized knowledge of a lawyer means that it takes hours to draft virtually every document used in litigation. Some documents require one hour, other dozens. The queue of documents waiting to be drafted means turnaround times can be weeks. Every litigated matter's lifecycle is unnecessarily expanded by months.

AI.Law solves this problem by employing powerful, honed artificial intelligence to compress drafting time into minutes. Documents get drafted today, pushing each case forward faster than ever before. The time that AI.Law saves on every file means cost reductions across your organization.

Quality Drafts

AI.Law consistently drafts high-quality documents that follow best practices of the biggest national law firms. Ai.Law doesn't get tired, have too much to do, and our high-quality drafts are not dependent on the skill of the user.

Powerful Results

High-quality legal drafts by AI.Law can lead to powerful results. Well-drafted, comprehensive pleadings convey strength and create risk for the other side. It sends a message that it makes more sense to close a case than fight it.

Lightening Fast

AI.Law's unique way of processing legal documents allows our software to produce results that are longer and deeper while being drafted faster than any another other legal AI on the market, soon to be patent pending.

Quality Drafts

AI.Law consistently drafts high-quality documents that follow best practices of the biggest national law firms. Ai.Law doesn't get tired, have too much to do, and our high-quality drafts are not dependent on the skill of the user.

Powerful Results​

High-quality legal drafts by AI.Law can lead to powerful results. Well-drafted, comprehensive pleadings convey strength and create risk for the other side. It sends a message that it makes more sense to close a case than fight it.

Lightening Fast

AI.Law's unique way of processing legal documents allows our software to produce results that are longer and deeper while being drafted faster than any another other legal AI on the market, soon to be patent pending.

Trusted by lawyers across the country, solving thousands of legal issues every month.

AI.Law is Advanced AI Technology

It's Easy to Use

Because AI.Law does virtually all the work, our software is incredibly easy to use. Each tool contains just a few steps, meaning non-lawyer staff can easily upload files to draft documents or have them analyzed. Lawyers can spend their time on review instead on tedious document generation.

Useful and Usable

Using AI.Law to draft an Answer or complete set of objections to written discovery is useful and efficient.

AI.Law also offers tools beyond drafting that significantly increase case efficiency. Our transcript analyzer provides deep analysis of deposition testimony, even matching statements to each element of each claim. For cases involving an injury, our medical record summarizer goes well beyond any other product on the market in its analysis and report.

Serves Customers' Interests

Saving time and money in litigation serves your customers well. Faster outcomes decrease stress, cost, lost opportunities, and the uncertainty of a lawsuit that can drag on and on. Saving time and money on litigation can also lead to reduced costs of services and ultimately make your organization more competitive.

Reduces Risk

AI.Law helps standardize the quality of pleadings in litigation, as it applies the same best-practices methodology to every case. It removes the risk of human error, drafting mistakes, or simply being busy with other matters.

AI.Law supports consistent, streamlined litigation workflows that limit variation from one law office to the next. Less variation means more consistency, a greater likelihood of not missing something important, and less risk for your organization.
ai law litigation woman
Compare the cost savings to drafting by hand

Quantifying Savings

AI.Law drafts and analyzes documents in minutes. We regularly clock drafting time under 2 minutes for most pleadings. Compared to the cost of traditional methods of drafting by hand, the time savings using AI.Law can be measured in thousands of percent.

AI.Law's final work product are ready-to-review and file pleadings. Skip the chronological organization of facts, grammar and spelling checks, and other work associated with manual drafting. AI.Law's pleadings are drafted like an experienced associate working at one of the country's best law firms.

Safe for Filing in Court

As an attorney-founded company, ethics, reliability, and safety are important to us.

Discover why our users love AI Law so much!

“Hands down the best AI legal drafting on the market”

AI.Law Helps Achieve Better Outcomes

Lawyers don't have to do everything by hand, even if that is the way they always did it. Lawyers had more work (not less) after the industry adopted email, the internet, and even the typewriter. This is because the real value in lawyers work is the knowledge, skill, and wisdom they bring to their clients' matters. It isn't how fast they can draft objections to discovery requests.

AI.Law represents the next step in the evolution of legal services. Rather than spending hours drafting, lawyers can spend that time working on strategy, stakeholder support, client engagement, and even business development. Lowered costs associated with fewer billable hours in drafting a pleading means clients can afford to give their lawyers more work that they might otherwise not thought valuable enough to pass along. That will lead to better (and more holistic) legal advice as lawyers begin to understand their clients' needs more. AI represents a true shift towards better legal services, more and higher-level work, and ultimately better outcomes for lawyers and our clients.

AI.Law increases efficiency, shortens case lifecycles, improves staff utilization, and significantly reduces the costs of litigation.​

AI that reduces the cost of litigation